The intranet version of the Local Information System
The intranet version allows people to access the Local Information System through a web browser.
People can use any device provided it has access to the system
The intranet version replicates virtually all the features of the desktop version. The help page in the online demonstration lists all the differences.
We provide everything you need to set up the intranet version on the installation media. The technology we use means you do not need to buy any software except Windows.
There are several benefits to the intranet version over the desktop one:
- No need to install any software on PCs - they just need a browser.
- You do not need a fast connection between the PCs and the central PC running the intranet version. Instead you can use relatively low speed connections such as ones commonly used to connect multi-office bureaux.
- The system can be integrated with any intranet site you might have already.
- People can use any web-enabled device to access the Local Information System; for example:
- Windows PCs
- Apple macs
- Tablets
- Smart phones.
- Full use of all the features of web browsers.
You can place the intranet version on the internet. That will incur a hosting fee unless you can use an existing hosting arrangement - typically up to �5 per month. There are several benefits to placing the system on the internet:
- People can access the database from anywhere that has an internet connection. For example:
- Your bureau's office(s)
- Outreach sites
- Home
- Internet connected mobile PCs and smart phones
- No disruption to your local network - you don't need to install anything on your PCs or servers
- You can share local information with nearby bureaux
- There is scope for sharing hosting arrangements with other bureaux
You might want to protect access to your local information. There is therefore an option to require users to provide a user id and password before they get access.
Provided you are happy to share ids and passwords with us during the set up period, we can help you install the system on the internet. We can also help you choose a suitable hosting company. There's no charge for this service.
Increasingly, CABx are getting together to form multi-site bureaux. They are also forming partnerships with other advisory organisations. The intranet version comes with features designed to help you build databases shared by different groups of people - and even the public. You can see some of these features in the demonstration system. You can try the system for yourself right now.
We also provide a set of tools to help you manage the system and to integrate the desktop and intranet versions.
Get your free copy of the Local Information System.
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